Filipino Philosophy

Filipino Philosophy Filipino philosophy is an aspect of Filipino thought. Every people has its own existential postulates, as the anthropologists testify. Filipino philosophy is implied in the Filipino’s way of thinking, but the former still has to be ex- plicitated. We are at this groping stage. Hence the results are still fragmentary and imperfect. (Ctto:…


Reflection in science is bouncing back of light.  In Philosophy , it is a process of going back and one illuminates. There are 2 types: 1. Primary Reflection – partial understanding on a situation . 2. Secondary Reflection – holistic, critical or analytical reflection in primary reflection.   Reflection on “I am a Teacher” People…

Similarities Between Eastern and Western Philosophy

Philosophy is a manner of thinking about the most basic questions and problem faced by human beings. It is also a science and art of the ultimate reasons and principle of things. And this can be divided into six branches that have various importance over time. -Since the ‘discovery’ of eastern philosophy by western explorers and scholars…

Divisions of Philosophy

Philosophy comes from the Greek roots philo– meaning “love” and –sophia meaning “wisdom”. Philosophia – literally “the love of wisdom” – was a way of trying to make sense of the world. Branches of Philosophy 1. Ethics -the study of how humans should live with each other -human actions -studies and evaluates human conduct (what…

Existential Crisis is on the Way

“Unexamined life is not worth living.”-Socrates Welcome to the Amazing World of Philosophy! Join us as we delve into the basic questions about the nature of human thought, the nature of the universe, and the connections between them.